Pickled Doll

The handiwork of the eldest earlier in 2011. I have no idea why? I had no idea why? when I perpetrated a doll horror of my own in the 1970s. My own work involved a sandpit, many dolls and jars and bottles containing the dregs of such things as tomato ketchup. Oh, and scissors.

Pickled Bratz baby in Bonne Maman jars, on the side of the bath

Posted on December 30, 2011, in Art, Be not idle, Children and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. People would pay money to see that in a gallery. I cut the hair oFf one of the Sindy’s (or was that you) and coloured it with a felt tip to create a mohican effect. I wanted an action man to go with the Sindys

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